Åmot Lower Secondary School - Main

Zurich, Switzerland - March 28 to 31, 2000



Welcome to Rena and Åmot  Secondary School!

Internet and The Learning Citizen

Starting from the local story of Delicata Civerra and her sacrifice as a consequence of quarrels between two rival groups, we have focused our attention on the contrasts still existing in our society among different realities such as:

-         Different geographical areas;

-         Different religious groups;

-         Social differences.

Considering Internet as a mean of communication that has no border and that has overcome any type of contrast or difference, we have asked to visitors at the exibition World Didac 2000 some questions about Internet and the influence that it could have on our society.

According to them, Internet can be considered a medium that can join together all people all over the world making the spread of information possible.

Undoubtedly, Internet represents a powerfull instrument capable of increasing our consciousness of being citizens of the World. It gives us the opportunity of discovering and learning more about different habits, customs and cultures not cancelling them but only putting them in evidence.

According to our interviewes, nowadays Internet is making the gap between Europe and the III World bigger.

Moreover, it is causing social differences between rich and poor people.

In our opinion, European  identity requires the free exchange of persons and ideas and finds its expression in the common protection of our values.

Thanks to Internet, individuals can favour a development of a spirit of tollerance towards other people and cultures.

Internet can favour a spread of religious messages but it can not solve the contrasts and quarrells among different religious groups, primary because it depends on one’s own decisions.

We have also discussed about these problems in a chat room, trying to involve as many people as possible.

We have decided to “chat” because nowadays Internet has an important function in the phenomenon of cultural globalization.

“The Learning citizen”, respectful to other cultures,should partecipate in the process of European unification using Internet and on-line communication.


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