Åmot ungdomsskoles nettsider!


Aims for
Netd@ys99  at Åmot ungdomsskole
During this week all the pupils and all the teachers together are going to learn about the possbilities Internet gives to learning and communication. Pupils and teachers are going to investigate and learn together.

After Netdays99 all the pupils and teachers will either have started partisipating in an international project,communicating with pupils/teachers outside the school, or they will have ideas about which international projects they would like to initiate or take part in.

The pupils and the teachers are going to get acquainted with, and even learn how to navigate on, sites for teaching and learning.Everyone is getting to know these following netsites:

This isn´t just going to be serious. The pupils will also be able to have fun! We will compete with other schools using the interactive web-based chemistry-program Molekult

Girls´nights/Boys´nights using the computer-room.
We´ll get started during Netdays99 –week.

Practical arrangements.
The two computer-rooms ,all the computers connected Internet in the class-rooms and the computers in the teachers´ work-room will be used.The traffic on Internet will take place from over 40 computers.

Co-operation and "netbuilding"
The new local poltical leadership with the chairman at the head are being invited and have accepted to come to the school to exchange thoughts and ideas on how we can co-operate in developing Åmot ungdomsskole as an innovative school for use of tecnology,pedagogy and new forms of organizing the school-day.

The school will also take the initiative in further development of our co-operation with the private corporation.

Classes from the junior school will be invited.They will get an introduction in Internet and learn how to make use of Internet. The pupils from Åmot ungdomsskole will act as teachers.The pupils from the junior school are also getting the possibility to have fun!




ForsideSkolen vår | Prosjekter | Elevsider | Ansatte
| Nettsteder | Arkiv | English

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