We went to Grand Platz on sunday.
We are one of the lucky schools who has been selected to participate in
this conferance.We are at the moment in Brussels, on our fourth day. This is the day that
the conferance will end, and we are going home after this is over. We are still angry at
our teacher at home, who hasn't made us a headline yet...
We are now waiting for the conferance to start, and John Harald is
trying to get someone to pay for us...a little disagreement there, but...it will be okay,
and we will get home by 9 PM today :-)

My room! (After it was cleaned...)
Day 1 and day 2.
The first day, when we arrived here, we took a little trip around the
town just to look around. And we went to a pub and sat there and discussed everything. The
day after, the second day, we missed our breakfast...but anyway, we went to town and had
breakfast there, so we didn't starve. After that we looked around more and had some fun
with the manneken pis...We took a whole lot of pictures wich we sendt back to Norway. We
also visited the place where we are now, where the computers are, and we made everything
ready for today...
This is the portugise minister of education, Peirera d'Oliveira Martins, the spanish minister of education, Agustin
Quintara and a very important swedish guy kalled Ulf Lundin. And me, of
Day 3.
Today it's monday. We havent missed the breakfast, and everything is
ready now. I think everything is about to start, but we havent got that much info yet.
Anyway, we are doing fine and we hope this site will be better as soon as our teacher make
us a headline...:-)
This is the cab that we are getting used to now.
Okey, the clock is now 2.20 PM and we're still waiting for our headline.
We have been talking to a lot of people around here, some of them more important than
others. But it's not that many people here. We ate lunch a few minutes ago, and now theres
a conferanse going on wich probably is very important. Both John Harald and Arne Vegard is
there now. I just want to sit down, my feet ace...:-( But I think it will be better later.
I've also got mail from the people back home...So we have contact! Nice to hear that
you're not dying up there...
3.56 PM and I am bored. Everybody are listening to the people who is
talking online and I have to stand here and look after our computer...well, I chose it
myself, because I think I would have fell asleep if I went somewhere else.
This is our portugese friends, at our left ;-)
They are preparing for something here, I dont know what, but it seems
like theres something to eat (?). Its just a few hours since we had lunch. Wonder how long
it will take before the people are finished talking in there?
Arne Vegard with our computer.
Day 4 (The last day.)
Last night, after the people got finished with their talking, we went to
our rooms for a little while and after that we had dinner. And I have never seen anything
like that...It was about five dishes, I had three forks and three knives, and for the
dessert I had both a fork and a spoon. I didn't know what to do! I just looked at everyone
around me, but I couldn't get help from the man sitting on my right. He didn't speak
english, only spanish, and I really dont know how to speak spanish, so...Fortunately, I
had a very nice lady from Greece at my right, and she helped me a lot ;-) Of course, Arne
Vegard and John Harald was placed far away from me, on two different tables, so I couldn't
get any help from them.
I still dont know what I ate, but I think it was salmon, soupe, lamb and
for dessert there was something sweet with strawberries on. I still havent figured it out!

Hege, Arne Vegard and Bela Bartok on tour in the city.
Okey, its now 2.17 PM and we are back from lunch. I think we had the
belgium national dish or something. For dessert I think we had a cake called Javanais. But
I am not sure whats in it :-)
Anybody important is listenting to an IBM-boss somewhere, so I am here
alone again. The rest of the people are somewhere else, I dont know where, maybe at
workshops or something.Now its only two hours left og the conferance, and I think I am
looking forward to getting home.
I am home now. I've thought about everything and I found out we went to
the conferance just so poeple could know that we are not totally lost. Anyway, we survived
our flight back home and I hope we will keep in thouch with the people from Portugal and
create a friendship. Maybe we will be able to cooperate later, we can visit each other and
learn more.
By: Hege Soberg.